Overview of retinoblastoma (eye cancer)
Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor on the retina. Retina is the light-sensing part of the eye, on which an image of the objrct in view is formed. If retinoblastoma occurs it is highly curable if treated early. This type of cancer can be present in one or both eyes. Our eyes begin to develop at a very early stage in the womb. There are cells in the eye that grow rapidly and eventually mature to form the retina, the light sensing part of eye. These rapidly growing cells are called retinobalsts. The retina is located in the back of the eye. Sometimes, these specialized cells do not stop reproducing and form a tumor on the retina. This uncontrollable growth of cells to form tumors may continue, eventually filling almost the entire vitreous humor (the jellylike substances that fills the eyeball). These tumors can also break off and spread to other parts of the eye, and eventually outside to lymph nodes and other organs.
Symptoms of Retinoblastoma
There are only few symptoms that may be visible to naked eye, however the list of symptoms include:
A pupil that appears white when light is shone into it, called leucocoria. It may mean that a tumor is present on the retina.
Blood vessels in the back of the eye will normally reflect red.
The eyes may not move or focus in the same direction.
Eye pain
The pupil is constantly dilated.
Red eye(s)
Stages of Retinoblastoma
Stages of retinoblastoma are classified according to how much it has spread in the eye. These stages are:
Intraocular retinoblastoma. In this stage the cancer has not yet spread to tissue outside of the eye. It is the earliest stage.
Extraocular retinoblastoma. In this stage the cancer has either spread outside of the eye or to other parts of the body.
Recurrent retinoblastoma. This stage of cancer comes after it has been treated once. In this stage the cancer has come back or spread in the eye or to other parts of the body after being treated.
Diagnosis of Retinoblastoma
An eye exam and imaging test given by an eye doctor can diagnose retinoblastoma. The complete set of tests may include:
A retinal inspection by an ophthalmologist
MRI scans
CT scans
Bone scans
Spinal tap
Bone marrow tests.
Causes of Retinoblastoma
Age: The most prevalent risk factor for the cause of retinoblastoma is the age. Retinoblastoma occurs most often in children 5 years and under. It rarely occurs in adults. Between 200 and 300 children are diagnosed with retinoblastoma each year, affecting one in every 20,000.
Genetic factor: About 40% of all cases of retinoblastoma are inherited, meaning the cancer is passed on from parent to child. Retinoblastoma occurs about 75% of the time in one eye, and 25% of the time in both eyes.
Treatment of Retinoblastoma
Because heredity and age play a major role in retinoblastoma, the best prevention is through early detection of the cancer. Parents should take prevention and cautious steps by getting a general eye exam done of their infants once at birth and then before the age of six months. A doctor will be able to detect any serious congenital problems or the appearance of retinal tumors. Newborns with a family history of retinoblastoma should have a thorough eye exam a few days after birth, at six weeks, once every three months until age two, and once every four months until age three. For adults, prevention means getting a thorough regular eye examination at least once a year and more often, as recommended by your ophthalmologist, if you have a personal or family history of eye disorders or diabetes. If however retinoblastoma is detected, the following treatment methods may be employed by the doctor to save the sight of the patient and to prevent it from spreading:
Radiation therapy.